SELOY BUGATTI CALLED BUGATTI Owned by Birgit Seloy. He is a really charmer and a beautifull boy. Insight and out. His temeperament is exelent Pedigree no: DK18413/2018Born 28th September 2018 Callingname: Bugatti Patella luxation PL 0/0PDE N/NBOAS 1 CHAMPIONSHIPS DANISH CHAMPIONSWEDISH CHAMPIONDANISH JUNIOR CHAMPIONDANISH CLUB JUNIOR CHAMPIONDKK COPENHAGEN WINNER 20121DKK ÅRSVINDER 2021KIMBER VINDER 2021 DKCH SECH KLBJCH DKJUCH KBHV21 DKKV21 KIMBV21 PEDIGREE FOR BIGGER PEDIGREE – CLICK ON PEDIGREE